kennardphillipps - artists peter kennard and cat phillips

Harold Pinter reading WAR at opening of ‘Award’ at Henry Peacock Gallery, London, 2004

Harold Pinter reading WAR at kennardphillipps’ opening of ‘Award’ exhibition at Henry Peacock Gallery, London, 2004 from kennardphillipps on Vimeo.

Harold Pinter reading WAR at kennardphillipps' opening of 'Award' exhibiting at Henry Peacock Gallery, London, 2004.
WAR is an anthology of poems published by Faber and Faber, 2003 ISBN: 9780571221318

Harold Pinter's response to world events is always pure and simple: he writes with an economy that throws the stark light of truth onto any given subject. There is no fudge, no dallying, no compromise.
The eight poems and one speech published here testify to the strength and lucidity of his unwavering view on war and provide a declaration for humanity.


Mothers to occupy half term
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Meet Liverpool Street Station at 11:45 with members of Enemies of Good Art to march to St Pauls.

Rachel Mariner and a group of mothers and children from Cambridge have issued an invitation to every mother in the UK to join them on Wednesday 26th October 2011 at Occupy London Stock Exchange at St Paul’s Churchyard. This is an opportunity to find out more about the camp, part of the global movement for real democracy aiming to challenge social and economic injustice in the UK and beyond.

Occupy London Stock Exchange (OccupyLSX) will welcome Occupy Half Term at noon this Wednesday. Parents and children are invited to meet members of the occupation, as well as supporting groups including Anonymous (UK) and Global Women’s Strike. Through a special workshop, put together by OccupyLSX’s Tent City University, children will have the chance to practice direct democracy in an open and inclusive space. There will also be a short dance and a procession back to Liverpool Street Station at 2.45pm, for those taking the train from London back to Cambridge.

Meet at Liverpool Street Station in the center of the concourse – you’ll have no problem finding us.
March to St Pauls
Occupy Half Term Demo at 12.00
For anyone returning to Cambridge or if you just fancy it – procession back to Liverpool Street Station at 2.45pm

Martina and Cat
07813 082519